Friday, March 18, 2011

Blog 2: Historical Globalization

Part 1

-In this unit I learned that Europeans processed sixty thousand natives to residential school to civilize them.
-I found it really interesting that imperialism is when a strong nation takes over a weak nation.
-I can connect what have learned in class to English because the Europeans sent the first nations to residential school and learned English.
-What surprised me this unit was the First Nations were abused by the Church's and teachers at the residential schools.
-One skill or learning strategy i found use full was SOAPS (S- subject, O-occasion time and place, A-whom you think the source was created for, P-why this source was created, S- whose voice is telling the story in the source)

Part 2
mercantilism-An economic doctrine that flourished in Europe from the sixteenth to the eighteenth centuries.
capitalism-An economic and political system characterized by a free market for goods and services and private control of production and consumption.
Industrialization-to develop industry on an extensive scale in a country, region, etc
Imperialism- strong nation takes over a weak nation

Part 3

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


this project is what extent has imperialism shaped the present day situation.
the country i will research is Indonesia
-Indonesia religion is 86% Muslim, 9% christian,2% Hindu
-Indonesia is located a long the equator south east and west of Malaysia


this shows the process of increasing the connectivity and interdependence of the world's technology, culture, and businesses


Assignment I have finished:
-Cultural Contact Map
-Intro to Globalization QUIZ

Assignment i need to finish:
-Drawings from the New World
-Introduction Writing Assignment
-Age of Discovery

i have not finished the assignments yet is because i have missed 2 days of school and have forgotten to do them so i am try to get back on track