Thursday, May 19, 2011

Unit 3 Blog Entry: Economic Globalization

Part A: Reflection

In this unit I learned that a transnational corporation is one that operates in numerous countries.
I found it really interesting that Wall-mart has sweatshops
What surprised me this unit was that Canada and United Stated workes are loseing there jobs to india.
One concept that I am still having difficulty with is the elements for sustainability and global porsperity.

Part B: Free Trade

Free trade is a system in which goods, capital, and labour in all nations without barriers which could block the trade process. Many nations have free trade agreements, and several international organizations promote free trade between their members. A number of barriers to trade are struck down in a free trade agreement.Tariffs, and import are all eliminated as are subsidies, tax breaks, and other forms of support to domestic producers. Put simply free trade enables foreign companies to trade just as easily as domestic producers.

Part C: Globalization Cartoon

Disney licensee that produces a whole line of Disney apparel called Mickey Mouse Americanwear, actually fired adult workers to bring on child laborers. Disney has done this because child laborer is less cost .

Thursday, April 14, 2011

unit 1

Part B: Economic Globalization

Outsourcing is a company or organization that purchase goods or services from an outside supplier or source. Transnational companies do this because they do not need to spend as much money so this means more money in there pocket .

Unit 1

Part A: Reflection -In this unit I learned that the CRTC regulates and supervises all aspects of Canadian broadcasting. -I didn't find anything interesting this unit. -I can connect what have learned in class to to all my classes because classes have integration. -What surprised me this unit was universalization because u could be watching a show and in another part of the world could be watching the same thing. -One concept that I am still having difficulty with is is writing essays for source's. -One skill or learning strategy I found helpful was the word wheel.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Blog 2: Historical Globalization

Part 1

-In this unit I learned that Europeans processed sixty thousand natives to residential school to civilize them.
-I found it really interesting that imperialism is when a strong nation takes over a weak nation.
-I can connect what have learned in class to English because the Europeans sent the first nations to residential school and learned English.
-What surprised me this unit was the First Nations were abused by the Church's and teachers at the residential schools.
-One skill or learning strategy i found use full was SOAPS (S- subject, O-occasion time and place, A-whom you think the source was created for, P-why this source was created, S- whose voice is telling the story in the source)

Part 2
mercantilism-An economic doctrine that flourished in Europe from the sixteenth to the eighteenth centuries.
capitalism-An economic and political system characterized by a free market for goods and services and private control of production and consumption.
Industrialization-to develop industry on an extensive scale in a country, region, etc
Imperialism- strong nation takes over a weak nation

Part 3

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


this project is what extent has imperialism shaped the present day situation.
the country i will research is Indonesia
-Indonesia religion is 86% Muslim, 9% christian,2% Hindu
-Indonesia is located a long the equator south east and west of Malaysia


this shows the process of increasing the connectivity and interdependence of the world's technology, culture, and businesses


Assignment I have finished:
-Cultural Contact Map
-Intro to Globalization QUIZ

Assignment i need to finish:
-Drawings from the New World
-Introduction Writing Assignment
-Age of Discovery

i have not finished the assignments yet is because i have missed 2 days of school and have forgotten to do them so i am try to get back on track

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Social Studies Summary 1... feb 9/2011

what i have learned so far
-What is globalization: trend towards grater interconnectedness and interdependence of the world
-types of globalization:Ecological,Cultural,Financial,Economic,Companies,Political, Technological, Sociological,Attitudes
-Social: the process by which people's lifestyle spreads over global networks
-Economic: the process of expanding world trading networks
-Political: the process by which political decisions and actions are becoming increasingly

Social Studies

wenesda february 9
we started writing r bolgges to tell people what we have been doing in social studies and what we learned

Tuesday February 8
we started a written response "What ideas does the following source communicate to you about globalization?

Monday February 7th 2011
Today we learned about globalization, took notes, learned about the 8 types of globalization (political, social, economic, geographic, technological etc......)

Friday February 4, 2011
Today you we handed in our Introductory Writing assignment. We also began to look at the ways we are connected around the world